March 11, 2011. I ran today. I clocked out a 2 mile route around my neighborhood, and then I ran/walked it twice. I even took my dog, Rex with me for a mile. I probably ran 2 miles total.
Yep. I'm gonna give it another try. And I'm gonna blog about it. So, you get to be my witnesses. I think I'm ready to bump it up a notch. I
am afraid to actually put this in print contemplating signing up for a little triathlon or a half marathon. In my mind, though, I don't want to just sign up for one. I want that to become who I am. I have run a half marathon
before believe it or not! But afterwards I quit running. I want my exercise to be not just about one event. I want it to be part of my life.
PART of my life. I think that is important too. I heard a quote a week ago from a pastor on the radio (ugh! can't remember which one). He said, "I am not a BODY with a soul; I am a SOUL with a body." I don't want my focus to be all about my body. I don't want my body or even my health to become an idol. And in our society it is that!!!!!!! So, this is my BALANCE paragraph. I want my exercising to fit into my life. I want it to work with my mothering my family - my husband and boys. I even want it to work into my friends.
When it comes to that, I may have to come back and tweak my goals. I currently have two very good friends that are my WALKING buddies. We are serious WALKERS. We walk 6 miles at a time several times a week. I don't want to lose those commitments - those relationships that have developed through exercise.
For me, exercise is very relational now that I think about it . . . hmmmm, Dale and I jogged ALOT while dating - around downtown Charleston, over the James Island Bridge, on Folly Beach (where he eventually proposed to me). I jogged with baby Ben in his little umbrella stroller all around our first neighborhood and even our second neighborhood after we moved to Anderson (will have to blog about one particular jogging trip where his arm cast fell off and I didn't even know it until an hour later and had to go back and pick it up off the sidewalk).
Our third neighborhood added a second child, a double jogging stroller and a dear friend and her little boy, Carl. Kristen and Carl would meet us on most mornings for a quick stroll around the neighborhood that went longer and longer until we realized we were walking and pushing heavy strollers for 5 - 6 miles! That led to a few jogs and then one jog with just one baby in the stroller that equalled 9 miles. THAT is what led to the half marathon.
Around this time, Dale and I started working out at a small friendly gym with a guy, Tony, that was one of Dale's patients and had been trying to get him to come "train" for some time. I trained with his wife, Shelia. About the same time, I started walking with a neighbor from our current neighborhood, Karen. We walked most mornings after dropping off our kids at school for an entire school year - two years ago. And then their school situation changed. Then Shelia's situation changed and I swapped and started training with Tony too. Last year was a year of walking with a friend from church, Sarah, as well as working out with Tony. Somewhere in there I messed up my knew - tore or damaged my meniscus. It was scary to think I might not be able to exercise - might not be able to run or walk.
In between all this history, I have little jaunts of jogging 3 - 5 miles, but I haven't done that in a while. This blog isn't about weight, but just one little input - with all the working out and walking, I haven't seen a change in the weight. That is more than just a little discouraging. It's frustrating. It's maddening. It doesn't add up. The weight bothers me enough, though, to give it
I can't say one last another attempt.
Blogging is such a good thing. I'm thinking this out on paper as well as "talking" it over with my friends and family. I would really like your input and suggestions. Dale has been in the same boat with me, but he has stuck with training with Tony two times a week. I have just recently gone to just exercising with Sarah and Elizabeth and I have a few other options to tap into. I think I am trying to find something I can do with Dale and in some ways, I don't want to pass him up. But then again, I feel like he has done the same for me. He has watched my struggle with weight and exercise and I wonder if he might not be holding back so he doesn't blow right past me. Health wise we are both in dire straights and exercise doesn't seem to have made much of a difference.
My other options I have considered are racquetball. I played casual racquetball in college and LOVED it!! I would need to find someone to play with. My other idea is tennis. There is a tennis court next to Dale's office. It seems to be a relational game and it is outdoors (in the sunshine).
Okay, so there it is. March 11, 2011. I started running again. I'm thinking about trying a triathlon (love swimming, don't hate running, not crazy about road biking - might be riding a yellow beach bike for that part), or signing up for a half marathon. But I don't want it to become a one time thing. I want to take it up a notch in a way that fits into my life, into my family, into my ministry.
PS. I love spellcheck!!