Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Back on Target

When I started this blog, my goal was for it to be a ministry to others who either suffer with depression or know someone who does.  Actually, even if you think you don't know someone who suffers with it, you probably do.  So, as I semi-ly change my target audience, you are all still welcome.  I am more reminding myself of my calling.  If you want to, feel free to read back to the first entry from several years ago. 

For now, I have perused through my journals for the last few years and will be trying to post a little more frequently by re-writing some of my thoughts from my previous struggles over the years.  I would love for others to be encouraged by these as well as encourage one another.  My goal is not to pull anyone down, but rather to relate to those that are or have also been there.  Praise God, I am having a fantastic year - in comparison to where I have been.  May these bless your soul.

Hope is
a spark of what could be
a twinkle
a quick breath
a seed buried in dirt and rot
yet alive
the first hint of spring
the first light of dawn
the first bit of good news

doesn't happen on good days
isn't surrounded by joy
instead is flanked by sorrow,
fear, darkness and pain.

Hope is a simple small
most beautiful treasure to those
in sorrow, fear, darkness and pain -
to them, joy would be
scoffable because of their wounds
disrespectful to their pain and
unbelievable in their darkness.

is strong enough to endure
is weak enough to cry
is humble
brings broth to the weary,
not a feast
holds a hand without words
prays instead of singing
is a candle that can
spark life into a soul

Hope is
a believable dream.

01-01-2009 ach

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