Monday, January 17, 2011

Sledding Dandelion Hill

Grayson going over the mogul.

The boys kind of had their own hill.

Grant trying some experimental snowboarding.

Grayson and Charlton with Drew pushing.

I must say, boys do it differently than girls do.

Glad he didn't bit his tongue off, oh dear, that is a bad thought.

Made it.

So funny, love this picture.

Throwing snowballs - at the girls maybe?

Cool dude.  Love it when my boys have good friends.

Our little neighborhood gang. 
Six boys. 
Six good boys that I will be excited to see
what God does with their lives.

My youngest, Will.

Hooded Grayson.

Drew bug - growing up fast.


Charlton trying to be the tough guy. 
Not workin' on me. 
(I know he has a heart of gold.)

and my "little" Ben.
How'd you get so big?

Cool, I figured out how to add a border to my pictures.

Wooo Hooo Will!

Now it's the Momma's turn.

Yep, I'm in that group.
It's fun to be young again!

Three daring moms.

Ha, ha.

Whoa, horsey.

and when you get thirsty, just find some clean snow. . .

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